
Avatar music from the motion picture

Autor Główny: Horner, James (1953-2015).
Inni Autorzy: Lewis, Leona.
Format: Dokument muzyczny na płycie CD
Język oryginału: English
Wydany: [Stany Zjednoczone] : bTwentieh Century Fox Film Corporation, 2009
Tematy: Muzyka filmowa
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Spis Treści:
  • You don't dream in cryo... ; Jake enters his avatar world ; Pure spirits of the forest ; The bioluminescence of the night ; Becoming one of "The People" ; Becoming one with Neytiri ; Climbing up "Iknimaya - The Path to Heaven" ; Jake's first flight ; Scorched earth ; Quaritch ; The destruction of Hometree ; Shutting down Grace's lab ; Gathering all the Na'vi clans for battle ; War ; I see you (Theme from Avatar) / performed by Leona Lewis.

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